Wow... It's my first and Suki's first time to go on such event. There are so many many puppies and doggies there!!! We're so SO so excited. I couldn't sleep much before the day. Below are some of the photos taken on the dog events.
There's this girl who is really scared of dogs, cats and hamster. Whenever she goes to "mamak" see these animals, she would jump on the chair. However, after getting a dog named Suki as a pet, it changes her life and her view, she is totally passionate about them. She would like to voice up for them whom unable to voice up to us human. She would like to convey the message to the world that although they could not speak like us, but they, still have feelings like us. They need to eat and drink, they can feel tiredness, they need some time out, they need to play, and they breath the same air as we do.They could feel joy and pain as well.
The girl whom would like to convey the message is me.
I couldn't agree more with this.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mohandas Gandhi
Good for people to know.
Hey madge, thanks. I just realize the photos are missing..hmm..where would the photos gone to.
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