"Oh no! What to do?!"... These are common sentence used by most of new pet owners when their pet is not well. Of course, I've been through the situation as well as many of you too.
As you know, I've been reading those pet megazine and really, there are enormous useful information in it which I would really like to share and help. So, let's see here.
A piece of advise from me, always do bring your pet for their vaccination or de-worm on time. On the due date of the earlier vaccine, the medicine/vaccine might have worn off and your pet are exposed to many types of viruses which could cause fatal.
DiarrhoeaA condition that is common in puppies and kittens especially so during the first few days when a puppy or kitten arrives due to a change of environment and stress. So, if the diarrhoea does not eprsist for more than a few hours, there is no cause for worry unless your pet shows other signs of illness.
What to do?Do not feed your petn for puppies and kittens for at least 6 hours. After 12 hours, gradually begin feeding bland, easily digestible foods, such as cooked chicken and rice. provide constant access to water.
See the vet!Should you notice blood in your pet's stools or other accompanying distresses such as vomiting lethargy, bring to the veterinarian immediately.
VomitingOccasional vomiting is not an unusual condition for puppies and kittens.They could have eaten too fast, swallowed something they shouldn't have, or picked up a short-lasting illness.
What to do?Withold food and water for about 4-6 hours. If you feed your pet too soon after vomiting episode, it may just vomit again. After 6-10 hours, being feeding bland food gradually. If your puppy or kitten is on medication, ask your veteranian if that could be the source of vomiting.
See the vet!When the vomit is black and bloody, when there is acoompanying bloody stools or if the vomiting persists and your pet appears lethargic.
CoughingDogs cough for a variety of reasons, some of which could be serious in themselves and others, which could be signs of an underlying problem. Coughing that sounds like gagging could mean that something is caught at your puppy's throat. Coughing could also be a sign of an upper respiratory infection in puppies and kittens.
What to doGently open your pet's mouth and check for foreign objects. If possible, fish it our of the mouth. Encourage your puppy to drink more water.
See the vet!Whent he coughing or gagging is persistent, or when you notice that your puppy has difficulty breathing or if the gums appear blue. If your puppy has been boarded recently, then it could be a case of kennel cough.
Ear mitesIf you notice that your puppy or kitten is scratching its ears or shaking its head regularly, then there could be a possibility of an ear mite infection. You might notice a brown or black discharge and possibly an offensive smell.
What to do?If the problem is caught early enough, then home treatment might be useful. As your vet for a good ear-cleaning solution that also contains a compound to kill mites. Take care when cleaning your pet's ears. Use a cotton ball instead of a bud and only clean parts where you can see.
See the vet!If the ears are too badly infected and full of discharge, then bring to the veterinarian immediately.
WormsPuppies and kittens are born with intestinal worms. if your young pet has an obvious swollen belly, suffers weight loss and has a dull coat, then it could be suffering from worms.
What to do?Your pet can also get worms from coming contact with the faeces of other animals or by eating fleas snd small prey, so ensure that you keep a close eye on your pet. Use only prescription wormers as recommended by your veterinian.
See the vet!When you first bring a puppy or kitten home, do a llow the veterinarian to do a de-worming precess. Subsequently, when you notice a possible re-infestination, bring a stool sample to your veterinarian for a confirmation and routinely use a de-worming medicine.
Keep Them SafeVaccinations are the best way to protect your pet against a whole range of distressing and possibly fatal diseases. For some viruses, there aren't any treatments available so preventation isz always better than cure. Your vet will probably vaccinate your puppy or kitten at between eight to 12 weeks of age as it has been found that their immunity levels are to decrease or disappear altogether during the time.
For puppiesCanine Distemper (hard pad) : A virus that affects the nervous and immune systems. I is transmitted through air and is often fatal.
Canine Parvovirus (parvo) : A virus that affect the intestines and bowels and is transmitted through contact with infected faeces.
Canine Parainfluenza (kennel cough) : A highly contagious disease that results from dog living in close quarters, such as kennel.
Leptospirosis : A serious bacterial disease that is extremely contagious and is transmitted via any fluid dischage from an infected animal.
For kittensFeline panleukopenia (FPV) : Also known as Feline Distemper, the virus infects intestinal tracts and breaks down the body's defenses. A fstal disease, it may cause high fever, uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhoea and sudden death.
Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) : A contagious and deadly virus that can be transmitted through bodily fluids. Vaccination for this virus should depend on cat's age and its risk of exposure.
Rhinotracheitis (Herpes) : This is severe viral disease which affects the respiratory system, It also affects the reproductive tract and can cause complications during pregnancy.
Calicivirus (cat flu) : A severe viral disease which causes upper respiratory symptoms and oral ulcers. Although it may seem like just another bad cold, it can be fatal to cats.
NOTE : The above information are taken from Clubpets, issue No.25, pg30, a bundle of health .